Reflections From The Bible And Life

Archive for March 26, 2011

Something About Mary

Isaiah 7:10-14; Isaiah 8:10; Psalm 40:7-11; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38;

Who is mother Mary to you? To a lot of Catholic fanatics, Mary seems to be an idol whose image is passed on from house to house, town to town for people to pray to. There has been a lot of alleged apparitions by mother Mary since the time of the Fatima.

Mary to me is the perfect human example of disciple of God. She blindly accepted God’s plan lovingly, and without any hesitation whatsoever. She was humble enough to accept to the responsibility of bearing a baby and being the mother of Jesus, even if it wasn’t according to her plans in life. She had so much love and faith in God.

Mary loved to serve. As I recall, she visited her cousin Elizabeth and served her right after finding out that she was pregnant as well. mother Mary is definitely very affectionate. She was a very kind woman. She is also the most responsive person to God in the history of mankind. Mother Mary was also a yielding person for she foregone the call to virginity and accepted Motherhood for Jesus.

We should all follow her example as we live our lives. God chose her among all women because He wanted to show us that she is the best example for us to follow. Her role as the mother of Jesus also symbolizes her position and capacity to intercede for our prayers to the Lord.